Hi! Remember me? I used to blog here like ages ago. I’m back and I’ve something to say. Just as well really, or else this blog would be pretty empty. My good mate Andy put this idea into my head and he has written his own end of year review for all to see right here. So, in the format of A-Stoth PhD, let’s begin.

What, for you, was the high point of 2010? Were there any other highlights?

Leaving my old job. I’ve only realised since leaving and working in my new job how much my previous work really got me down. The staff were great and I still love them all to pieces, but I put up with so much shit for far too long and really got myself down. Kirsty, a pharmacist there said to me before I left after I said I was quite nervous about starting a new job, “you’ll be absolutely fine. You’re extremely competent and know exactly what’s going on, so don’t worry.” Those few words actually meant so much to me. And I’m not quoting them now to blow my own trumpet, but they gave me a real sense of belief in myself that I had never, not once got, since I started working there. So, thanks Kirsty 🙂

Another high point was seeing Faithless live in Edinburgh. The word euphoric is the only one I can use to describe the feelings I had during that gig. Incredible.

And not forgetting an epic road trip to Brighton with Dave and Laura. Despite much reluctance from me beforehand about driving nearly the entire length of Britain, we had a great time. I even got propositioned by a man in a gay club. That’s not one of the high points – I cannot stress that enough.

What, for you, was the low point of 2010?

Again, unfortunately, my previous job! I guess I’m a little bit annoyed with myself for not doing something sooner about it. But me being the kind of person who doesn’t make rash decisions decided to hold off and see if things would improve, and they didn’t.

To try and get away from job stuff, another low point was our letting agents in our flat taking over 3 months to fix a leaky tap that meant water kept pissing out from under the kitchen sink. In the end it took some guy all of about 10 seconds to screw something a bit tighter. Infuriating!

Tell me some things you learned this year.

I have a fungal toenail infection.

Don’t judge a club by it’s reputation – Lava and Ignite RULES!

When drunk I really love leaving people answerphone messages.

Never buy shoe cleaning products from a guy at Floridian outlet mall’s at full price due to guilt.

Wayne Rooney is a greedy bastard.

Who would be your “person of 2010″? It could be someone you know or a famous person who’s inspired you.

Hmm, hard one. I’d say probably… Dave Wark! For being a great friend, flatmate and guy in general. Since I’ve moved to Edinburgh the only way I’ve gotten to know so many people is because Dave has taken me under his wing and into his friendships. He has always been here to listen to me complain about crap and help me out. He’s being a ballbag right now though and abandonning me on New Years in order to pursue his love of a girl. So count yourself lucky mate that you’ve been alright the rest of the year. Seriously though, couldn’t have asked for a better chum!

What was the best film you saw this year?

What do you mean you haven’t listened to the podcast yet where we review our top 5 movies of 2010?! Get over there right now and give some film love to your ears! For the sake of the deaf, and only the deaf, it was  The Social Network.

And what was the worst?

My son my son what have ye done? Took me a while to think of what all I’d seen. But when I remembered I had seen this piece of crap it instantly got put down. Saw it in the Edinburgh film festival, it came out in cinemas later in the year. I don’t even remember what exactly it’s about. All I remember is that it sucks. A lot.

What was the best book you read?

Easily “Bad Science” by Ben Goldacre. And easily one of the best books I have ever read. It completely tears apart myths and media hype about medicines, supplements and health in general. It is really easy to follow and understand and makes you want to get up and do something about ‘bad science’. Cue me writing a letter to Pharmacy in Focus (NI pharmacy magazine) a month later responding to another pharmacist’s views on homeopathy!

What was the best thing you saw on TV?

Derren Brown Investigates. Especially as “psychic medium” Joe Power got absolutely destroyed and ended up looking like a tit. And also Derren Brown’s special “Hero at 30,000 feet”. If DB is on TV, chances are I will love it. In terms of something brand new I enjoyed immensely a series on BBC called La La Land. It really made me laugh a LOT during some extremely cringe worthy moments! It’s about a guy called Marc Wootton who plays 3 different characters trying to make it big in Los Angeles – kind of a Borat-style thing where the people who he meets don’t know he’s a character. Very entertaining!

What, for you, was the sporting highlight of 2010?

St Patrick FC vs Rest of the World FC at Meadowbank Sports Centre, March 17th 2010! I don’t have many actually for 2010 seeing as Man Utd didn’t win the Premiership and got knocked out of the Champions league semi-final. Also NI or ROI didn’t qualify for the world cup and England got put out easily. So far this year I guess it’s been nice seeing Liverpool do so awful in the league 🙂

What was the best album or song you heard in 2010? What song did you play most?

Album – I will say Lady Gaga – The Fame Monster. Just because there is tune after tune of party hits on that bad boy. 2 songs off the new Faithless album as well I really like and play a lot are “Not Going Home” and “Sun to me”. I have yet to listen to the new Good Charlotte and Black Eyed Peas albums though – and both of them I gotta feeling, will be good ones.

What are you looking forward to in 2011?

Becoming fitter, taking more opportunities and if I want something – going for it with less reluctance. Also, going to Florida with my mum, dad and sister all of us together next June.

Now…you’re turn!